No clever title

In case you were wondering why I suddenly dropped off the radar, it’s because Thursday I came home from work feeling achy and tired and running an elevated temperature of 100 degrees or so. Went to bed, skipping dinner, slept more-or-less through the night, and got up Friday feeling better—not perfect, but well enough to try going to work. I’d still been slightly elevated when I awoke—99 degrees or so—but that subsided.

Still, felt mostly under the weather Friday, even when it came to the “mandatory” work meeting that was held at, of all places, McMenamins—with free beer. Feeling a bit out of it meant only nursing a single (free! damn it) beer for the better part of an hour.

Friday night I went to bed early (for me), avoiding the computer. Saturday was kind of a “recovery” day (how I approached it, anyway… got a lot of reading done) and we had some friends from out of town visiting, who we met at the Deschutes Brewery for dinner. We were visiting until about 10:30, and I was tired enough to head to bed without hitting the computer. (Tell the truth, it’s kind of liberating to not feel like having to plunk down in front of it and catch up on all the news and blogs and email.)

Today I had to replace the (same) computer’s power supply… perhaps it’s an omen of some kind?

Categorized as Health