13,149 days, or 1,136,073,600 seconds

Looking at the title of this post, that’s a geeky way of saying how old I am today.

Yes, it’s another birthday. I’m 36 today (in case you don’t want to do the math—which, incidentally, should account for leap years. Told you it was geeky).

Even though I had to work today—first time in a few years I haven’t taken my birthday off—it’s been a good day. Thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday online—of course, having social networking apps that remind people of your birthday helps!

And for the beer geeks out there—right now as I write this, I’m enjoying a 2005 Mirror Mirror barleywine from Deschutes Brewery.


1 comment

  1. Happy Birthday geeky old guy! 😉

    Hope you had a good day despite the flower snafu and late dinner (at least the cake & presents were good)

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