Not much to speak of

Don’t have much to write about. Okay, that’s not totally true; I’ve got some things I want to write about, but they’ll run long and that’s not really what I feel like doing at nearly 11:30 at night. The topics? You’ll see why I’d run long: Evolution Ebooks Reviews of some regular books I’m reading… Continue reading Not much to speak of

Water vs. Pop

monkeyinabox: “Mind you, this was back in the days before bottled water was all the rage. Water came from the tap, unless you bought gourmet water, Perrier, or whatever rich people drank. Growing up in a place with good tap water, it makes that kind of stuff seems pretty stupid.” Great bit on being a… Continue reading Water vs. Pop


Part of owning a house means yardwork and landscaping, which I’m sure everybody by now knows I just love (*cough*). This weekend it was planting tulip bulbs in the ground, which should look pretty good come spring. Unless, of course, they don’t survive. Since we bought a new house, on recently developed land, a good… Continue reading Bulbs

Perils of domesticity

I don’t know what it is about this weekend, but here’s a few items illustrating the pitfalls of owning a home and raising a family: Saturday evening I noticed that the dryer had died. More specifically, that the drum belt had broken; the dryer would run, but the drum wouldn’t turn. So I spent most… Continue reading Perils of domesticity

Categorized as Family, Home


Ever think about sod before? Yeah, me neither, until recently. Always seemed like such a boring topic—yah, grass, lawns, yawn. But I’ve been thinking a lot about sod lately, since we moved into our new house and had landscaping done. It turns out sod is quite a bit more interesting than I initially thought. Watching… Continue reading Sod

Categorized as Home Tagged


So I put together a Costco shed today, with help from my dad. Part of our grand plan to outfit the new house with all the bling bling, you know. It’s a nice shed, but it was a pain in the ass to get set up. Actually, the shed itself wasn’t that bad, it’s all… Continue reading Shed

Categorized as Home


Still continuing to settle in to the new house. This weekend we cleared out the storage unit, and it never ceases to amaze me just how much stuff we’ve managed to accumulate over the years. Of course, it doesn’t help that I’ve got a packrat personality and it’s actually hard for me to get rid… Continue reading Stuff

Categorized as Home

The Move Reloaded

Well, we’re all moved in and (relatively) comfortable. Still not feeling like blogging much—after 3 days of moving and cleaning and unpacking, and the ongoing process of more unpacking and arranging and tweaking (things like hanging curtains, and towel racks), I’m just beat. So, some quick thoughts on the moving process: Smartest thing we did:… Continue reading The Move Reloaded

Categorized as Home

The Move

So tomorrow we get funded and close on our new house, and take possession. Then comes the Move; we’ll start hauling a load or two over tomorrow evening, and then Saturday is the big day. Fortunately, this time we’ve hired movers to do all the heavy lifting. I don’t expect to be online much or… Continue reading The Move

Categorized as Home