On writing

For a long time I’ve wanted to be a writer, and ultimately make a living writing. My biggest problem with that, however, is actually making myself write. I’m great at thinking about writing, though, and I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately. Herewith some of my thoughts, in no particular format, just rambling (i.e.,… Continue reading On writing

Categorized as Writing

The Da Vinci Code

Jeez, it looks like I’ve taken a blog sabbatical around here. July must be that kind of month. Anyway… So, probably against my better judgement, I read The Da Vinci Code over the last week. (My parents loaned it to me.) It wasn’t nearly as earth-shattering as some people would have you believe (especially since… Continue reading The Da Vinci Code

Writing tips

Here’s a good link for anyone who’s trying to be a writer: Learn Writing with Uncle Jim. It’s a series of posts on a message board on the topic of writing commercial novels, from a professional writer. It’s also an insane 27 pages long, with 21 (is that right? I counted twice…) posts per page.… Continue reading Writing tips

Categorized as Writing

Writing every day

Since the beginning of the year, I set a personal goal for myself to write and publish something on my weblog here at least once a day, and I’ve actually stuck to it. (Yeah, there’s some gaps on the calendar there, but if you look closely, it’s because the post didn’t get done until something… Continue reading Writing every day

Categorized as Writing

Moving right along…

A few random things. php|architect is offering a free issue of their new magazine. Anyone who’s into PHP should check this out. I found a neat site today called StoryMania. From their own description, they’re an “online community and marketplace for publishing, discovering, reviewing, buying and selling creative works — interact directly with authors and… Continue reading Moving right along…

Yes, I was a French Major

The dice tumbled across the table, bounced in unison against the far end and skidded to a halt. The woman in the red dress looked up, her full pouty lips pursed in excitement. Her face was bright and intelligent; her dress faltered to reveal sensuous thigh when she moved. “You’ve won again, Mr.—” She paused.… Continue reading Yes, I was a French Major