Bend Bulletin’s RSS feed

Jake first found and posted this: the Bend Bulletin has their own official, bonafide RSS feed. It’s about time! That means I can finally take down my hacked-up RSS scraper feed for them. So, this is official notice that I’m deprecating my Bulletin RSS hackfeed, by implementing a redirect to the official feed, and then… Continue reading Bend Bulletin’s RSS feed

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RSS advertising

I noticed the other day that a couple of the RSS feeds I follow had advertising items in them. Not ads attached to items in the feed, like many sites are doing these days, but ads that were the entire item. The title looked something like “(Advertisement) Web Hosting” and the text was a blurb… Continue reading RSS advertising

Categorized as Blogging Tagged

Bend Bulletin RSS feed

Quick public service announcement: I’ve hacked together an RSS feed for the Bend Bulletin. It’s a first-pass, I’m scraping their Local, Business and Sports pages and building a summary feed only. If I have time, I may go one step further and pull each article on those pages, and provide a full-text feed. Either way,… Continue reading Bend Bulletin RSS feed

Categorized as News Tagged

Blog bot roundup

The variety is amazing: here’s a list of various agents, spiders and bots that I’ve culled from my logfiles over the last 30 days that have to do with RSS and/or blogs (specifically blogs, not just general purpose spiders like Google’s). These are only the ones I know for sure are blog or RSS… Continue reading Blog bot roundup RSS

Just in case anyone missed it (and unless you’re an avid reader of comments to my blog, you probably missed it 🙂 ), now has an RSS feed. Gentlemen, start your aggregators!

Categorized as Online Tagged Needs RSS

Okay, seriously needs an RSS feed. I’m seriously considering writing a script to scrape their archive page for headlines and producing one myself.

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Oregon Weblogs

Just wanted to give a few plugs and props to one of the better weblog-related sites out there, Oregon Blogs. I thought about trying to describe what it does, but the best I could come up with is that it’s equal parts RSS aggregator, group blog, and weblog directory rolled into one; really, the way… Continue reading Oregon Weblogs

SharpReader Gone

SharpReader is outta here. Last night’s crash wasn’t a fluke; after I downloaded the latest version and restored my feeds, I went back and added two Amazon feeds and sure enough, it crashed again. Turns out the URLs for Amazon’s feeds are too long for SharpReader to handle. The worst part is, after last night’s… Continue reading SharpReader Gone

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SharpReader Crashed

Grrr… SharpReader, the news reader I use to read RSS feeds, just crashed on me, and lost all my feeds—data and URLs. After I’d added four of the new Amazon feeds. Shit. Oh, well. Fortunately, I had a recent backup of the OPML for my feeds, so I was able to get them back quickly.

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Amazon RSS

Another piece of news everyone pointed to yesterday: Amazon is now offering RSS feeds. A list of all their feeds can be found at the Syndicated Content page. Looks like they’re offering feeds for each top-level category in their hierarchy. The next logical step, of course, would be to offer a personalized RSS feed… Continue reading Amazon RSS