
I’ve started using the spam-killing service Akismet to handle comment spam on my three blogs. That, and instituted a basic moderation system for comments. I can’t say as I’ve been dealing with as much comment spam as some people, but I just got sick and tired of dealing with the problem myself and decided to… Continue reading Akismet

Best spam name ever

I’ve seen this name show up a few times now in my email spam filter: Natalie Gadzooks. Perhaps it’s not the best spam name ever, but every time I see it, it makes me laugh.

Categorized as Online Tagged


You may or may not have noticed that I’ve turned off comments on posts older than three months. I wasn’t getting tons of spam comments (spamments?)—I suspect my filtering was working well enough—but I was certainly getting tired of the ones that were coming through. Since they were almost invariably on old posts, I finally… Continue reading Spamments

Categorized as Blogging Tagged

Spam Pounder

So the spam problem finally got to be a little overwhelming on our BendCable email account, and we opted in to use BendCable’s anti-spam software/service, Spam Pounder. But here’s the catch: you don’t actually get this anti-spam service on your regular bendcable.com email, no—instead they change your email to a bendbroadband.com address because that’s where… Continue reading Spam Pounder