Testing anew

I’m getting my custom blog management software reconfigured, in light of the problems I outlined in the last post. So far, it seems to be working.

Categorized as Blogging


Something in the server configuration running this site has changed, causing my PHP script to add blog entries to not work, and I can’t quite figure out why. (Incidentally, this is also why there’s a big gap since the last post.) My script is supposed to send an authentication header to the browser, for simple… Continue reading Grrrrrr

Categorized as Blogging Tagged

Progress Quest!

What is Progress Quest? Think of Nethack and Seti@Home rolled into one: It’s an online RPG that runs autonomously on your computer, in the background. You start it up, create a character, and go; everything is automatic and it even does away with the “annoying” aspects of fantasy roleplaying: dying, wandering around mazes, solving puzzles.… Continue reading Progress Quest!

The Boob Tube

I definitely watch way too much TV. Each year around the end of the TV season I reach some sort of critical mass where I just want to throw out the TV and not watch anything again, and use the time I spend in front of the zombie box in much better ways. Way, way… Continue reading The Boob Tube

Categorized as TV


Spider-Man rules! I have to admit, I had initial doubts for some time now, but after seeing it tonight, “Spider-Man” turned out to be a great movie— one of the best comic book adaptions that I’ve ever seen. I was blown away by how good the web slinging/swinging effects were; extremely realistic, with Spider-Man moving… Continue reading Rock!