RSS Feed

I’ve enabled an RSS 2.0 feed, which you can view here. Consider it experimental or even beta if something gets wonky.

Categorized as Blogging Tagged


I signed up for a new online tool/technology today called Friendster. Maybe you’ve heard of it; it’s “an online community that connects people through networks of friends” for meeting new people. So far I haven’t really figured out what it’s supposed to do for me, because the site is still very much in beta: most… Continue reading Friendster

On Blogs

This is a bit about the blog software I wrote for this site. If you’re into the technical aspects of blogs, or PHP and MySQL, you’ll be interested in this. If not, you can safely skip it and not really miss out on anything. I’ve taken to calling my home-grown blog software blognutt (“blog +… Continue reading On Blogs

FUD Alert

There’s this site called Technofile written by some guy named Al Fasoldt that has this article that I thought was pretty FUDish. I found it because my wife sent me a link to online news source that had picked up this article. It’s about alleged spyware Hotbar, and after reviewing the article, I’ve pretty… Continue reading FUD Alert

Fire Update

We’re all safe and sound from the 18 Fire, and we never had to evacuate. All is well. Here is a link to the Forest Service’s website on the 18 Fire; they have some really good images of the fire, better than anywhere else I’ve seen online. Pretty amazing.

Categorized as News Tagged

18 Fire

We were on evacuation alert last night as a 600-acre wildfire burned only 3 miles or so from our house. We didn’t have to evacuate, thankfully, as the fire was moving south, away from any developments, but it sure made for an interesting evening. Here’s two links to local stories about the fire: and… Continue reading 18 Fire


This weekend we were in Portland, visiting the Zoo and hanging out with our friends Justin and Raegan. It was a good trip, but damn hot; fortunately, we had brought the kids’ wagon along and I pulled them around the Zoo rather than having them walk/run everywhere in the heat. They had a great time.… Continue reading Zoo

San Francisco Trip, Day 3

Ha, fooled you. The third day of the trip was pretty basic: caught the hotel shuttle to the airport, caught the airplane, made it home. Okay, well, something happened: when we got to the airport, we found out that the corkscrew we had bought the day before at Viansa Winery would be taken away if… Continue reading San Francisco Trip, Day 3