
I suppose most everyone has heard by now, but Arnold Schwarzenegger has announced that he’ll run for governor of California. What a great day for American politics. Hey, I’m serious; I drank a beer in honor of Jesse Ventura’s election to governor of Minnesota. Colorful personalities like this certainly revive interest in politics, whatever people… Continue reading California

Blog Entry Correction

A quick note to correct a misconception I propagated in my entry on blogs the other day. I said that a blogroll was a “Fancy name for a list of links to other blog sites” and I was only partially right. While a blogroll is a list of links to other blog sites, it is… Continue reading Blog Entry Correction

Categorized as Blogging

The Beach Boys

It pays to know the right people, I’m realizing. Today we (my wife and I) got invited to The Beach Boys concert at the Les Schwab Amphitheater on August 17. But not just to the general admission—that would be too easy. No, we got invited to join some friends in one of the private VIP… Continue reading The Beach Boys

Categorized as Music

August Already?

Where did July go? For that matter, where did the first half of the year go? I’m not sure I like this concept of time passing more quickly the older you get, which is what my grandmother always said and that I take to be a general truism. When you’re a child, time seems to… Continue reading August Already?

Categorized as Blogging

Bend Venue

Having grown up and spent a significant part of my life here in Bend, I still tend to thing of it as a small town, even though it’s growing by leaps and bounds. A such, I’m always amused at people’s reactions (my own included) when big-name music comes to town—it’s hard to imagine why bands… Continue reading Bend Venue

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