
Whoops! In my Oregon Bloggers post yesterday, I incorrectly said that Jake at Utterly Boring was giving away free TypePad accounts. Jake commented to correct me; they’re not free accounts, just discounts for new signups. Still, it’s a good deal. Go get a blog!

Categorized as Blogging

Oregon Bloggers

If you’re a blogger in Central or Eastern Oregon, or you’d like to try it out, head on over to Utterly Boring and check out Jake’s offer for a free TypePad account. We want to see more Oregon bloggers east of the Cascades!

Sony Bend Redux

It’s funny how the world works. Hot on the heels of my blog article on Sony Bend Tuesday of last week, our local newspaper, the Bend Bulletin, publishes a story in Saturday’s business section about Sony Bend and the latest version of their Syphon Filter game in development. “Sony filters out separatist group from Bend… Continue reading Sony Bend Redux

Mike Berlyn

This is the second part of the story about Sony Bend I previously posted. This follows up on Mike Berlyn, who was a founding member of the game company Eidetic (now Sony Bend), who left the company in 1997. Read on for the gory details.

Eidetic & Sony Bend

Herewith the first part of an online detective story, with interesting results. If you’re interested in any of the following: Infocom, the Sony PlayStation, or video game companies in Bend, Oregon—then you’ll probably enjoy this story. Read on.


My poking around in the world of RSS has inevitably led me to OPML, another XML format created by Dave Winer, and is ostensibly designed to contain outline-structured information. What is outline-structured information? A fancy way of saying a structured list of hierarchical content, like browser favorites or web directories like Yahoo. It seems any… Continue reading OPML

Categorized as Online Tagged ,


We had the most beautiful sunrise this morning, so I went out and snapped a picture of it. Smaller version here (640 by 480), larger version here (1024 by 768, but I recommend this larger version).

Categorized as Imagery Tagged

Ebay as Weblog

It struck me yesterday as I watched my wife surf eBay and eBay-related sites (like that eBay et. al. functions as a vast weblog for some people the same way that “traditional” weblogs function for people like me. Or more precisely, eBay fills the same needs for some people that weblogs fill for others.… Continue reading Ebay as Weblog


I got so caught up in finishing Cryptonomicon this past week that I didn’t really go online to post stuff. Damn good book. Longer than hell, but it was worth it. What else? Oh yeah, bought a PlayStation (the original, not Two) from my brother, along with several games. It’s pretty sweet, even though I’ve… Continue reading Alternatives