C-64 Emulator for PalmOS

It had to happen, read about it here—there’s a free Commodore 64 emulator for PalmOS. I’d love to download this for my Clié, but alas, it requires PalmOS version 5 and my Clié only has a version 4 variant.

Movie Roundup

We’ve been seeing a fair number of movies lately, so I thought I’d post some thoughts here. I’ll probably be spoiling some of them, so only click the “More” link if you’ve seen them. The movies I’m writing about are The Hulk, The Italian Job, Terminator 3, and The Core. You’ve been warned.

Categorized as Movies

RSS Comics Feeds

“Tapestry is a series of RSS feeds for online comics.” Very cool. I’ve just subscribed to a bunch of them, now I’ll get the day’s comics delivered right to my computer automagically! Update: Forgot to give credit to Jake at UtterlyBoring.com for the link.


I’ve recently been playing with phpAdsNew, a PHP ad server system, for a work-related project, and I have to say, it’s a pretty solid piece of software. I’m very impressed. It installs quick and painlessly, and you can add advertisers and build ad campaigns in no time. It comes with very nice PDF documentation—user, administrator,… Continue reading phpAdsNew

Categorized as Online Tagged

Turkey Soda

Just in time for the holidays comes Jones Soda’s newest beverage—Turkey & Gravy Soda! Wow.

Categorized as Food Tagged

Queer Eye

With the addition of Bravo to our cable channel lineup, I’ve noticed that Queer Eye for the Straight Guy is suddenly on at our house quite frequently. Now, of course, I think there should be a new, similarly-themed series: “Straight Eye for the Queer Guy.” That kind of show would just write itself, I think.

Categorized as TV

Weird Auction

What is it with weird eBay auctions, like this one? People just have too much time on their hands? (Okay, I’ll confess. That’s my wife’s auction. I wanted to see if I can flood it with traffic since I’m still getting so many Matrix Name hits.)

Categorized as Blogging Tagged

Ebay RSS

This site has implemented the idea I previously wrote about and is generating RSS feeds based on custom eBay searches. Very nice. (I can’t lay claim to giving them the idea, only that they had a similar idea to mine.) Via Scripting News.