The Google Platform

I’ve already seen several links to this today (the first from UtterlyBoring), and it’s too interesting not to point to. The post in question posits this: Google is a platform. Not a “platform,” used in the same sense that Amazon and eBay are platforms (custom Web applications that allow some programmatic user interfaces), but an… Continue reading The Google Platform

Categorized as Online Tagged

Portland Spring Beer Fest

From /dev/beer I just read about the Spring Beer & Wine Fest going on in Portland this next weekend, April 9 and 10. Over a 100 different beers to sample. Sounds like fun, I haven’t been to a brew fest in ages. Too bad it’s short notice, though. Damn.

Categorized as Beer Tagged RSS

Just in case anyone missed it (and unless you’re an avid reader of comments to my blog, you probably missed it 🙂 ), now has an RSS feed. Gentlemen, start your aggregators!

Categorized as Online Tagged