Iron Chef

Every now and again I catch the beginning of Iron Chef on Food Network, and man, that is one weird show. The original Japanese version, anyway; I haven’t seen Iron Chef America.

Sheriff Money

Isn’t it interesting that after the Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office pushed so hard to get a levy passed for more money, with all the hand-wringing and guilt trips about people losing jobs and criminals being let out of jail, now all of a sudden they have extra cash? Aware of the likely criticism, Stiles insisted… Continue reading Sheriff Money

Categorized as News Tagged

Spider-Man 2

Saw Spider-Man 2 on Friday night. Very good. Better in many ways than the first one, and the first one was very good, too. Herewith some additional thoughts, but they might be spoilerish, so only read on if you’ve seen the movie (or are willing to risk it).

Farking Irritating

Going through the logfiles for the 6th, I noticed that there were suddenly a bunch of hits to the Oobi image I’d posted here a while back from TotalFark. Basically, someone’s linked directly to the image on this server from a high-traffic site. Now on the one hand, that’s kind of cool—but on the… Continue reading Farking Irritating

Amazing accident

My wife found this somewhere: the most amazing car accident ever. Damn. I’m just speechless.

4th of July Recap

We had a good 4th of July here, the weather was beautiful, the fireworks were grand and it was fun in general. I took the kids to the Pet Parade, while my wife and mother visited the gem show in Sisters. Afterwards we drank beer, barbecued hamburgers and set off fireworks for the kids in… Continue reading 4th of July Recap

Categorized as Holidays

This 4th

I kind of doubt I’ll be online posting much tomorrow, so a pre-emptive note for everyone to have a fun, safe July 4th. We’ll be shooting from the hip as far as plans go tomorrow; I’m taking the kids to the Pet Parade downtown at 10 for sure. Should be a good day. And we… Continue reading This 4th

Categorized as Holidays


Ever think about sod before? Yeah, me neither, until recently. Always seemed like such a boring topic—yah, grass, lawns, yawn. But I’ve been thinking a lot about sod lately, since we moved into our new house and had landscaping done. It turns out sod is quite a bit more interesting than I initially thought. Watching… Continue reading Sod

Categorized as Home Tagged

Coke Alert

My wife pointed me to this article today, and I thought it was funny. Specially rigged Coke cans, part of a summer promotion, contain cell phones and global positioning chips. That has officials at some installations worried the cans could be used to eavesdrop, and they are instituting protective measures. … “There’s things generals should… Continue reading Coke Alert

Categorized as Humor

American Beer Month

Interesting. Apparently July is American Beer Month. Website and all. July is American Beer Month, a time when every American should celebrate the season by exploring the wonderful flavors of American Beer. No matter what kind of beer you like, there’s one that’s perfect for your tastes that’s made in America. One of the sponsors… Continue reading American Beer Month

Categorized as Beer