
We spent this weekend camping up at Suttle Lake for the annual family reunion. I took Friday off and we left just before noon, and had great weather until Friday evening when the mother of all thunderstorms came through and we were hit by a torrential downpour. Fortunately, the tent mostly weathered the rain and… Continue reading Camping

Put him away for life

Disturbing local news: Deputy arrested on 180 child abuse, drug counts (from and the follow-up article: Deputy arraigned on 143 sex abuse, drug charges. This is way too creepy. The guy was a deputy for 10 years. So wrong. The articles state that the “charge of using a child in a sexually explicit conduct… Continue reading Put him away for life

Categorized as News Tagged

Gizzard Blizzard!

Well, it’s not going to go down as one of my all-time greatest image hacks, but here we go anyway: Chicken Gizzard Blizzard™ for y’all.

Coopers Ale Yeast saves the day

After adding the Coopers Ale Yeast to my dying beer last night, I was totally stoked (who uses the word “stoked” anymore?) to find it bubbling away this morning, and by this evening there’s a strong, active fermentation churning away. Coopers rules!

Fun at Timbers

Fun evening at Timbers South with the other bloggers. Let’s see, who else showed up… Jake, Dane, Jesse and his wife, and Barney. Simone, who suggested Timbers in the first place, never made it. Some takeaways: Jake is a pool shark, man, he ran the table. Never shoot stick with him. Ever. (Well, okay, so… Continue reading Fun at Timbers

Categorized as Blogging

Another local blogger social

Yes, announcing another exciting Local Blogger Social! Wednesday, August 11th, we’ll all be meeting at Timbers South in Bend, starting at 6pm. Timbers South is located at 61131 S. Highway 97. See you there!

Categorized as Blogging

Failed beer?

This weekend I made up a batch of Toad Spit Stout, the first beer I’ve made in probably three years. All went well, I had everything sanitized carefully (sanitation is priority one in brewing), ingredients laid out, everything was textbook perfect. The yeast I pitched was Wyeast #1084, Irish Ale yeast, what seemed like a… Continue reading Failed beer?

Bulletin article is out!

It hit the stands today—the Bend Bulletin article on bloggers that I and others were interviewed for. It’s a pretty good article, and I like the layout. Of course, I’m probably biased because my picture’s in it, and my earlier posts about the interview are the lead to the story… Anyway, it’s the front page… Continue reading Bulletin article is out!

Categorized as Blogging

Doctorow on DRM

So, I’m a little behind on this: Cory Doctorow‘s Microsoft Research DRM talk that he presented on June 17 and subsequently made available online for free. Very good. Though I do differ from this opinion he gives on ebooks: Today we hear ebook publishers tell each other and anyone who’ll listen that the barrier to… Continue reading Doctorow on DRM

Street Chicken

So here’s something odd. While driving to work this morning, I noticed a chicken wandering around in someone’s driveway. It was on 8th Street, near the 8th and Revere intersection, and here was this Rhode Island red hen nonchalantly strutting across the driveway, as if this were normal routine. Can’t say as I’ve ever seen… Continue reading Street Chicken