Vacation starts…

Vacation is about to start. Once I leave work, we’re pretty much on the road, and while we’re bringing a laptop, there’s no guarantee I’ll be online much, so this may be the last post for a while. Or not; I’ll try to update from the road if I get the chance. Au revoir!

Categorized as Travel


From Tim Bray tonight comes this amazing fact: There are five billion new lines of COBOL getting created every year, and there are (wait for it) 220 billion lines of COBOL in production. (Holy cow, now that I think about it, I bet I wrote ten or twenty thousand of them).

Magazine quote

I got an email today from someone from the online magazine Preservation Online wanting to get a quote from me about the Crane Shed demolition, since I wrote a bunch about it. Cool. I wrote back letting them know I’d be happy to give a quote, or they could just quote my blog. Since I… Continue reading Magazine quote

Categorized as Blogging


How’s this for disturbing? I was just at the Evergreen Village (Bellevue) Safeway this morning, doing my little shopping thing. I was late — I usually do it on the weekend. While wandering around getting my goods, I noticed that the shelves in the produce aisle were looking a bit empty. I didn’t think much… Continue reading Ewwww

San Diego or bust

We’ll be on the road all next week—well, starting this week, really, since we’re leaving Friday night—on our way to visit my brother in San Diego. Road trip! From Bend, San Diego is about a 16 or 17 hour drive. Since the kids are little, we’re spreading that over three days each way, taking it… Continue reading San Diego or bust

More on trackbacks

Some more on trackbacks. To my mind, they are simply another form of comment, so that’s exactly how I’m treating them. You won’t see a special “Trackback” down there next to the “Comments” link. Instead, they’ll just be integrated with the comments in chronological order. I think I saw Sam Ruby doing this first, and… Continue reading More on trackbacks

Trackback is on

I’ve finally bitten the bullet and implemented Trackback here—well, half of it, anyway. My site should now be able to handle Trackback pings from other sites. I even implemented the RDF autodiscovery crap, but added a bonus: a new meta tag like so: <meta name=”” content=”Trackback URL for a particular entry”> So maybe I can… Continue reading Trackback is on

On writing

For a long time I’ve wanted to be a writer, and ultimately make a living writing. My biggest problem with that, however, is actually making myself write. I’m great at thinking about writing, though, and I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately. Herewith some of my thoughts, in no particular format, just rambling (i.e.,… Continue reading On writing

Categorized as Writing

Blog money

So I observe over on Ensight that Jeremy has basically sold his blog for something in the neighborhood of $15,000 (Canadian or USD?), and still got a sweetheart deal: I am effectively considering bidding closed. I have a deal on the table. It’s substantial, is from a longtime Ensight reader, allows me to keep editorial… Continue reading Blog money

Categorized as Blogging

Bend Bulletin RSS feed

Quick public service announcement: I’ve hacked together an RSS feed for the Bend Bulletin. It’s a first-pass, I’m scraping their Local, Business and Sports pages and building a summary feed only. If I have time, I may go one step further and pull each article on those pages, and provide a full-text feed. Either way,… Continue reading Bend Bulletin RSS feed

Categorized as News Tagged