Brewing pumpkin ale

I started brewing up a batch of my Pumpkin Ale this evening, the details of which I wrote up on The Brew Site. What? You aren’t reading The Brew Site? Why not? 🙂

Categorized as Beer

The Incredibles

Simply put, “The Incredibles” is a great movie. Fantastic. Probably the best movie I’ve seen this year—really! So here’s my review, there may be spoilers, you’ve been warned.

The weekend in Portland

I’m pleased to report that Portland is still where it’s supposed to be. Or at least, it was when we left on Sunday, I can’t really speak for any time after that. We stayed at the downtown Residence Inn over the weekend, which despite being located right next to I-5 is a rather nice hotel.… Continue reading The weekend in Portland

Gone this weekend

Off to Portland this weekend. I may be online—we’re taking the laptop with the wireless card—but may not be, either; sometimes it’s nice to unplug.


Some people just have too much anger: A woman has been arrested for digging up her dead boyfriend’s ashes from a cemetery more than 10 years ago and drinking the beer that was buried with him, possibly out of spite for his family, authorities say….   Detective Jay Yerges said Stolzmann and Hendrickson were living… Continue reading Spite

Categorized as Beer Tagged

Some local post-election thoughts

I was disappointed to see both the Bend measures (establish a mass transportation district, more money for schools) fail, though not particulary surprised: you can pretty much guarantee that when a measure appears in Central Oregon that requires raising taxes, it will get shot down. But hell, do kids have to be cannibalizing themselves in… Continue reading Some local post-election thoughts

Categorized as News Tagged


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Categorized as Blogging

Not so PC

Just a braindump of some ideas I have that wouldn’t really be considered very politically correct… Like a series of books like the “For Dummies” books, only these would be “For Tards.” They would be much more simplistic; with titles like “Keyboards for Tards” and “Books for Tards” I think they could really be successful…… Continue reading Not so PC

Categorized as Humor Tagged

Election Day

Did you vote yet? You can bet I did, mailed it in last week. (You gotta like the Oregon vote-by-mail system.) I’ve been spending the last hour and a half or so sitting here compulsively hitting refresh on the CNN and MSNBC sites to review the latest numbers, while catching up on Bloglines. It’s close… Continue reading Election Day

Categorized as News Tagged

Halloween Summary

As usual, it was as cold as a witch’s tit last night for Halloween, but at least it wasn’t snowing or anything; last year I wrote that it was in the teens. Fortunately this year it was “only” around 30 degrees. Ah, but this year we live in a new neighborhood! One that’s filled with… Continue reading Halloween Summary