Spelling "Lose"

One huge spelling mistake that’s been driving me crazy lately—and I’m seeing it everywhere, literally everywhere, even this article in the Bulletin today—is spelling the word “lose” as “loose.” How can people continually misspell such a simple word? Worse, why didn’t the editor of the newspaper catch this? lose: verb. Inflected forms: lost, losing. Meanings:… Continue reading Spelling "Lose"

Categorized as Writing Tagged

Oregon’s birthday

Hey, I almost forgot: in addition to Valentine’s Day, today is also Oregon’s birthday: it was admitted into the Union on February 14, 1859, the 33rd state. Just random facts. Move along.

The worst Valentine’s Day story

…has to be this one: Letourneau to wed former pupil. This is just one of those things I have a hard time understanding; this woman should have been kept in jail. For the rest of her life.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine’s to everyone. So far this morning it’s looking to be a nice day (yet here I am stuck at work…), so here’s hoping it’s nice for everybody. And if you’re looking for something a little bit different today, I wrote up some Beer Valentines ideas over on The Brew Site blog. Enjoy!

Amazon’s Web Services

I’ve been playing around with Amazon‘s web services because in my quest to make money off my blogs (quixotic? I don’t know yet), I thought it would be interesting to implement book recommendations based on keywords pulled from individual blog entries. What got me thinking about this is that my Amazon associate links have already… Continue reading Amazon’s Web Services


It’s kind of hard to imagine what Elektro, the Oldest U.S. Robot looks like until you actually see it. What’s crazy is that it was created sometime during the ’30s… Back in 1939, Elektro was able to walk, talk, raise and lower his arms, turn his head and move his mouth as he spoke. It… Continue reading Elektro


Well, I posted too soon. Tonight’s blogger get-together has been cancelled, too many people had something come up. Hopefully we can convene next week or something.

Categorized as Blogging Tagged