This Memorial Day weekend…

…I’ve been tasked with putting together this monstrosity of a swingset. I’ve had help, my father-in-law yesterday and today, and tomorrow my dad pitches in. We may finish tomorrow. Happy Memorial Day to everyone else. I’ll likely be cursing before the day is out.

What’s your birthday mean?

This is astrologically interesting, if you’re into that sort of thing: What Does Your Birth Date Mean? Here’s what came up when I plugged in mine: Your Birthdate: December 23 With a birthday on the 23rd of the month (5 energy) you are inclined to work well with people and enjoy them.You are talented and… Continue reading What’s your birthday mean?

Still no internet at work

Okay, that’s not exactly true: we got our internet service back at work around 3:30pm or so. But that still means we spent the better part of a day without. The problem, as it turned out, was a dead SAS unit. (I have no idea what “SAS” actually stands for; it’s basically like a cable… Continue reading Still no internet at work

Sucks when there’s no internet

At work, that is. Our internet connection was down the entire day. And there wasn’t a thing I could do about it except wait for the tech from OneEighty Networks (née HighSpeed Communications née EmpireNet) to try to fix it. With no luck. The problem? Well, for starters we have OneEighty’s goofy LMDS “wireless broadband”… Continue reading Sucks when there’s no internet

Our local Jedi

It was inevitable, I guess: Bend has its local Star Wars superfans who dressed up in costumes and lined up outside the theater for the premier of “Revenge of the Sith” last night. I know this not because I was there, but because Z21‘s Christian Boris (one of the weather guys) did a live broadcast… Continue reading Our local Jedi

Remembering Mt. St. Helens

Today is the 25th anniversary of the eruption of Mount St. Helens. How many of you reading are old enough to remember that day? Or were even born yet? I was in first grade, attending Alfalfa School. The main thing I remember from that time was the ash—it didn’t drift quite as far south as… Continue reading Remembering Mt. St. Helens


There’s a new Bend blog in town: Bend Reality Check, but I don’t know how long it will last. I say this because the tagline is, “Mission: to maintain some sort of reality for those who think they are the most important people in Bend, Oregon” and it appears to have been launched primarily to… Continue reading blogdrama

Going mainstream

Should it bother me that the National Security Agency has a website? Or even stranger, that it has a special website just for kids? I mean, we’re talking about a government agency that was once so secretive that “NSA” was supposed to stand for “No Such Agency.” Weird. Hmmmm… even weirder, I just noticed that… Continue reading Going mainstream