Unfortunate ad placement on Bend.com…

Is it just me, or does this particular ad placement on the Bend.com article pictured below seem really… I don’t know, juvenile? Not to mention, wrong. Click for full size It just hasn’t been the same since Barney left.


You may or may not have noticed that I’ve turned off comments on posts older than three months. I wasn’t getting tons of spam comments (spamments?)—I suspect my filtering was working well enough—but I was certainly getting tired of the ones that were coming through. Since they were almost invariably on old posts, I finally… Continue reading Spamments

Categorized as Blogging Tagged

Merry Christmas

Charlie Brown: [shouting in desperation] Isn’t there anyone out there who can tell me what Christmas is all about? Linus: Sure, Charlie Brown, I can tell you. [walks out to center stage] Lights, please. [a spotlight shines on Linus] “And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the fields, keeping watch over their… Continue reading Merry Christmas

Happy Solstice

Happy First Day of Winter. I know I haven’t been posting here much this month, I guess it’s kind of been winding down as Christmas approaches and the year ends. On the other hand, I’ve been posting to The Brew Site every day, so that’s good—I’ve been doing a “Beer Advent Calendar” series of posts… Continue reading Happy Solstice

Categorized as Blogging

The safest car

You know those car commercials where the car is driving through the mountains or somesuch, and to show off its safety features, the commercial usually shows the car swerve gracefully around a fallen tree, or a boulder, or something? You know, to show how the tight steering and antilock brakes and everything make it the… Continue reading The safest car

Categorized as Humor

Sherman Alexie

Just finished up reading The Toughest Indian in the World, a volume of collected short stories by Sherman Alexie (wish he had a blog). It’s quite good; I’d never read any of Alexie’s work before, and I figured it was time I’d rectified that. …by that I mean that for the four years I spent… Continue reading Sherman Alexie

Categorized as Books

Self-publishing thoughts

Since Shannon desperately wants me to update the blog so she doesn’t see the freaky mugshot picture right away, I thought I’d just write down some random observations and questions about the business of print-on-demand self-publishing. Of the various on-demand, self-publishing services, the only ones I’ve seen that don’t charge for publishing your books are… Continue reading Self-publishing thoughts