The Dirty Screech

On the one hand, I want to say, “who knew it would come to this,” but on the other, well, it figures: Dustin Diamon, AKA Screech from “Saved by the Bell,” is the latest celebrity to have a sex tape released to the public. See also stories on here, here, and here. That last… Continue reading The Dirty Screech

Stump Wikipedia

I think we should start a new game: “What Can’t You Find on Wikipedia?”, or, alternatively, “Stump Wikipedia”. Seriously, they have over 1.4 million articles now, and it keeps going up. Is there a ceiling? Although you have to stick to real subjects… you can’t punch something in like “nitrate waffles” and expect a legitimate… Continue reading Stump Wikipedia


Random link for the day: Cats that look like Hitler. Really.

Categorized as Humor Tagged

The sandwich meme

Apparently today was “sandwich day” over on Slashfood and it made me think of something I’ve been meaning to share for a while. Something you’ll probably think sounds gross at first. Most people do. But the thing is, even though it sounds gross, it’s actually really really good. And once I tell you about it,… Continue reading The sandwich meme

Categorized as Food


I’ve started using the spam-killing service Akismet to handle comment spam on my three blogs. That, and instituted a basic moderation system for comments. I can’t say as I’ve been dealing with as much comment spam as some people, but I just got sick and tired of dealing with the problem myself and decided to… Continue reading Akismet


One year and two weeks after we lost our first cat, we lost our second cat today. We had to have him put to sleep, the same as before; he was essentially end-stage advanced urinary tract disease. We’d spent the last two weeks doing everything we could for him. This was our cat Lucifer. He… Continue reading Mortality


We got the minivan back from the shop this week, and today I had the distinct pleasure of attending a diversion class for the ticket I had received (you all remember my accident, right?) The diversion class was the kind with the driving simulator—whenever you’re involved in an accident this is the type of class… Continue reading Diversion

Categorized as Blogging Tagged

Compare and contrast

Compare and contrast this: Global warming over the coming century could mean a return of temperatures last seen in the age of the dinosaur and lead to the extinction of up to half of all species, a scientist said on Thursday. With this: The earliest civilizations were not a product of favorable conditions but rather… Continue reading Compare and contrast

Categorized as News Tagged

Pets are expensive

Our Labor Day weekend itself was decent enough overall, but Sunday night we had to take our oldest cat to the emergency pet hospital because he’d been acting weird all day, and by the evening was seemingly in serious pain. Turned out he had stones in his bladder and was all blocked up. Since our… Continue reading Pets are expensive

Categorized as Family Tagged