Items of interest

A few link-worthy items that caught my eye but that I can’t squeeze a full post out of (yet)… The Real Oregon: a new(ish) blog subtitled “Oregon for the eccentric traveler.” Looks promising, with travel tidbits about Oregon that seem pretty interesting to me. How a $2 bottle transformed the wine industry: Charles Shaw wine… Continue reading Items of interest

Categorized as Blogging

Lost is dead to me.

Tonight’s lauded season finale of “Lost“? Yeah, there was 10, maybe 15 minutes out of the entire two hours that was any good. And those 10 or 15 minutes had to do with one thing and one thing only: revenge upon the Others. You want a rant? I got your rant right here… Spoilers ahoy.… Continue reading Lost is dead to me.

Categorized as TV Tagged ,

Hey Z21…

Could you try not to ruin whatever TV show is currently broadcasting by cutting in with no warning to report on tepid election results? I mean really, that’s just inept; every other station is able to scroll the election results in a marquee on the bottom of the screen, or even shrinks the main program… Continue reading Hey Z21…

Categorized as News Tagged

Lost is officially done.

Yeah, I can’t help it. I have to say tonight’s episode of “Lost” jumped the shark. They just went all brain dead. Why? …well, check after the link. There’s spoilers, not that it matters I guess. Read more. So, this “Jacob” that Ben took Locke to was… an empty chair. In an empty room. And… Continue reading Lost is officially done.

Categorized as TV Tagged


So have you been exposed to lolcats yet? If not, check out here and here. I can’t help it; they make me laugh. I mean really, really laugh. Especially the random ones.