The A-Team movie trailer

So the first trailer for this year’s A-Team movie hit the net yesterday, and if you follow me on Twitter you know that the first link to it I posted was taken down ("infringing"). But of course you can just search YouTube and find it again if you want to watch it. …I’ve watched it… Continue reading The A-Team movie trailer


Two random things

Two totally random things today that I found on the internets: The Oatmeal ASCII art: I have no other commentary other than go to that site and view the HTML source. Well, I have some commentary. It makes me want to drop ASCII art in the web pages I work on… Nic Cage as Everyone:… Continue reading Two random things



The new year is upon us, and we finished off our old year and started up this new one in San Diego. We left a week ago, on Sunday, two days after Christmas, with a mad plan to get up really early and make the drive in one day. For background, last June when we… Continue reading 2010
