The best chicken article I’ve read in awhile.

Actually this might be the only chicken article I’ve read now that I think about it. It’s long but really good. Did you know the Egyptians “mastered the technique of artificial incubation”? I did not. Oh, and don’t forget, chickens are basically the descendants of dinosaurs which is awesome.


Zoom in on the Google Map of Corvallis, Oregon, near downtown and this is what you’ll see: Er, what? How on earth did “Illinois” and “Nebraska” get in there?

Timeline of the far future

On a similar topic to my previous post about the scale of the universe, I’ve been enjoying Wikipedia’s Timeline of the far future for equal amounts of mind-boggling scale. Really, once you hit 1020 years from now the numbers are pretty much meaningless to realistic human comprehension. But when you start hitting the exponents of… Continue reading Timeline of the far future