About RSS

Warning: technical entry. Feel free to skip if you’re so inclined. Today I’m talking about RSS. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication, and it’s essentially a format for delivering data and content in an XML (read: structured) format. What kind of content? Well, any kind, really. Right now, the types of content you’ll most likely… Continue reading About RSS


I suppose most everyone has heard by now, but Arnold Schwarzenegger has announced that he’ll run for governor of California. What a great day for American politics. Hey, I’m serious; I drank a beer in honor of Jesse Ventura’s election to governor of Minnesota. Colorful personalities like this certainly revive interest in politics, whatever people… Continue reading California

Blog Entry Correction

A quick note to correct a misconception I propagated in my entry on blogs the other day. I said that a blogroll was a “Fancy name for a list of links to other blog sites” and I was only partially right. While a blogroll is a list of links to other blog sites, it is… Continue reading Blog Entry Correction

Categorized as Blogging

August Already?

Where did July go? For that matter, where did the first half of the year go? I’m not sure I like this concept of time passing more quickly the older you get, which is what my grandmother always said and that I take to be a general truism. When you’re a child, time seems to… Continue reading August Already?

Categorized as Blogging

RSS Feed

I’ve enabled an RSS 2.0 feed, which you can view here. Consider it experimental or even beta if something gets wonky.

Categorized as Blogging Tagged

On Blogs

This is a bit about the blog software I wrote for this site. If you’re into the technical aspects of blogs, or PHP and MySQL, you’ll be interested in this. If not, you can safely skip it and not really miss out on anything. I’ve taken to calling my home-grown blog software blognutt (“blog +… Continue reading On Blogs


According to this article on CNN.com, geniuses and criminals do their best work in their 30s. This is great news for meā€”since I just turned 30 seven months ago! Of course, I guess that begs the question: Genius or criminal?


This weekend saw the outbreak of the Davis Fire, located about 12 miles southwest of LaPine. Not close enough to us to pose any threat, but today the winds shifted (a “wind inversion” over Bend, the news reported) and smoke from the fire blanketed the area, making everything hazy. So much so, in fact, that… Continue reading Wildfire

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Blog Updates

So, in a continuing effort to make this site more like other blogs on the web (say, like Movable Type), with all their admittedly neat ideas, I’ve added a calendar (just off on the top right, there) for the current month which shows what days there have been blog entries. Days that are linked will… Continue reading Blog Updates

Categorized as Blogging


I got this in email today, and I liked it. It’s probably making the rounds, but that’s okay. You are driving along in your car on a wild, stormy night, when you pass by a bus stop, and you see three people waiting for the bus: An old lady who looks as if she is… Continue reading Dilemma