Not much

No, I haven’t posted much on any of my sites this week. My aunt died on Monday, and I just haven’t felt like writing much. There’s really not any more to say; the funeral is on Saturday. In the meantime, I hope everyone’s having a good week, what with the first day of summer and… Continue reading Not much

An angry bunch

Go and check out today’s Pearls Before Swine comic strip. It’s the good stuff.


The sixth day of the sixth month of… Yeah, are we really doing this? I got nothin’.

Shannon’s silver bullet (quote of the week!)

Jeez, come back from vacation to find Shannon’s latest post: “some gal on contacted me. offered me a free silver bullet. how could i refuse?” You’ll have to go read the entire post for context… I just hope Shannon doesn’t think the silver bullet refers to Coors Light…

Categorized as Blogging

Offline for Memorial Day

Just a quick note to let everyone know that I’ll be offline for the Memorial Day weekend—through Tuesday, actually. Hopefully everyone has a safe and fun holiday weekend!

One billion seconds

There was a site I found the other day (and have subsequently forgotten what it was) that prompted you to enter your birthdate, and it would present you with various facts about your age. You know, what year in the Chinese calendar it was when you were born, what your astrological sign is, etc. etc.… Continue reading One billion seconds

Shannon’s quote this week

I had to wait a bit, but Shannon’s got another quote of the week: “i think i need some higher goals in life like buying a house or putting money away for retirement but for now, i just want to be a dancing bunny.”

Categorized as Blogging

I forgot!

I’m pretty sure I had something cool I wanted to blog about today, but for the life of me I can’t remember what it was. I’m having a Moment. In the meantime, enjoy Shannon’s latest quote of the week: “i wish i knew how to roller blade and could beat up people because i’d totally… Continue reading I forgot!

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