Unfortunate ad placement on Bend.com…

Is it just me, or does this particular ad placement on the Bend.com article pictured below seem really… I don’t know, juvenile? Not to mention, wrong. Click for full size It just hasn’t been the same since Barney left.


I can’t help it, but this is just so weirdly funny. Bend man robs liquor store: this is not the funny part. The funny part is the guy’s mugshot: This dude looks like the love child of Rodney Dangerfield and Bob Marley or something!

Categorized as Imagery, News

Copying Starbucks

Boing Boing reports than an Astoria, Oregon woman has been ruled to be in violation of Starbucks trademark, when she opened a coffee shop named after herself: Sambucks. Note to Starbucks: get over it. Anyway, this reminded me of a coffee shop we saw when we were in Vancouver, B.C. earlier this year, that was… Continue reading Copying Starbucks