
Saw S.W.A.T. on Saturday, and it’s a pretty good movie. Most surprisingly, to me, was that it was directed by Clark Johnson, an old “Homicide” alum (who also has a small part in the movie, along with another ex-Homicider, Reed Diamond). (“Homicide” was one of those rare gems of a television show that, when I… Continue reading S.W.A.T.

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Kill Bill

I just watched the QuickTime trailer for the latest Quentin Tarantino movie, “Kill Bill”. Wow, I don’t even know how to describe it, other than damn. Thanks to Scoble for the link.

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Just saw the movie version of Chicago this evening, and I just have to say: eh. I’m sure this will make me popular with those who loved the movie (even my wife loved it, and she normally hates musicals), but I honestly do not see the big deal with this movie, and I certainly don’t… Continue reading Chicago

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The Matrix Rebooted

Yes indeed, saw The Matrix Reloaded Saturday (the 31st), and my short review is: I liked it a lot. Oddly, though, I’ve been seeing some interesting things about this movie: there’s a large portion of people who were big fans of the first movie that hate this movie. My wife seems to be one of… Continue reading The Matrix Rebooted


I saw X2 (X-Men 2, for the uninitiated) Saturday, and I’ll say right off, I enjoyed it quite a bit. It was better than the original, which is a bold thing to say for a sequel, but it’s true. And I quite liked the first movie. About the only thing I didn’t like about it… Continue reading X2


Didn’t catch most of the Oscars last night, nor did I really want to; I have no desire to sit through 3+ hours of drivel just to find out the only awards that really matter. (For those keeping track, those are best picture, director, actor/actress, and supporting actor/actress. Best script and musical score are okay,… Continue reading Oscar

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The Man Without Fear

Went and saw “Daredevil” Friday night. I liked it quite a lot, it’s worth seeing if you’re into the action/comic-book-adaption movie thing. I was especially interested as Daredevil, the comic book, has been the one comic I’ve consistently collected for, oh, the past 15 years or more. I’ll try not to spoil any critical parts… Continue reading The Man Without Fear

Orthanc and Barad-dur

I went and saw The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers today. Oh. My. God. There were some deviations from the book— more so than in The Fellowship of the Ring— in order to fit the movie format, but it all worked extremely well. I couldn’t have asked for a better movie. Among other… Continue reading Orthanc and Barad-dur

Boba Maul?

I finally saw Attack of the Clones last Friday (the 5th), and it was pretty good. Better than The Phantom Menace, at any rate. And I’ve been thinking of the odd, cult-like popularity that has arisen out of two Star Wars characters, Boba Fett and Darth Maul. Yep, utterly geeky. My best theory as to… Continue reading Boba Maul?


Do NOT watch “Bandits.”

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