Reality TV?

This is apparently the season where the limits break down on primetime TV. And I’m not just talking ’bout cable. For instance, tonight was the second week now that “NYPD Blue” has used “bullshit” out of the, er, blue. On ABC. Bullshit. I wasn’t as blindsided by it as I was last week, but still.… Continue reading Reality TV?

Categorized as TV

More than Meets the Eye

To my great delight, has the entire first season of the Transformers on DVD. This was the perfect television show that embodied the 1980s: a wildly popular cartoon whose sole purpose was to support an insanely popular line of toys, and yet there was such a seamless integration between the two that at times… Continue reading More than Meets the Eye

The Boob Tube

I definitely watch way too much TV. Each year around the end of the TV season I reach some sort of critical mass where I just want to throw out the TV and not watch anything again, and use the time I spend in front of the zombie box in much better ways. Way, way… Continue reading The Boob Tube

Categorized as TV