We found 38 results for your search.

Bend Bulletin’s RSS feed

Jake first found and posted this: the Bend Bulletin has their own official, bonafide RSS feed. It’s about time! That means I can finally take down my hacked-up RSS scraper feed for them. So, this is official notice that I’m deprecating my Bulletin RSS hackfeed, by implementing a redirect to the official feed, and then… Continue reading Bend Bulletin’s RSS feed

Categorized as Online Tagged

Bend Bulletin RSS feed

Quick public service announcement: I’ve hacked together an RSS feed for the Bend Bulletin. It’s a first-pass, I’m scraping their Local, Business and Sports pages and building a summary feed only. If I have time, I may go one step further and pull each article on those pages, and provide a full-text feed. Either way,… Continue reading Bend Bulletin RSS feed

Categorized as News Tagged

RSS Comics Feeds

“Tapestry is a series of RSS feeds for online comics.” Very cool. I’ve just subscribed to a bunch of them, now I’ll get the day’s comics delivered right to my computer automagically! Update: Forgot to give credit to Jake at UtterlyBoring.com for the link.

RSS Feed

I’ve enabled an RSS 2.0 feed, which you can view here. Consider it experimental or even beta if something gets wonky.

Categorized as Blogging Tagged

Oregon Coast travelogue

We spent the weekend on the Coast, and while I don’t feel like writing a 2000+ word recap like I did for our Ashland trip last year, I wanted to highlight some of it—the (shall we say) less obvious things. So I thought I’d present it more travel guide style. (Inspired largely by the Fodor’s… Continue reading Oregon Coast travelogue



I suppose it was bound to happen sooner or later, but I don’t quite get how this is going to work: Publisher launches its first “wiki” novel. It’s: …a Web-based, collaborative novel that can be written, edited or read by anyone, anywhere thanks to “wiki” software, the technology behind Web encyclopaedia Wikipedia. The novel, “A… Continue reading wikinovel

The truth about vampires

I realize I’m about a week late blogging this item (should have been around Halloween), but I just can’t resist: Count Dracula not in the numbers, physicist says. A scientist is playing Scully to scientifically disprove the existence of monsters—vampires, zombies, ghosts, and so on. Articles like this make me amused and irritated at the… Continue reading The truth about vampires