Boss Hogg: Linguist

Random fun fact for the day: Sorrell Booke, the actor who played Boss Hogg in the Dukes of Hazzard television show, was fluent in five(!) languages and served in the Korean War as a counterintelligence officer. Who would’ve guessed? All I could dig up for what languages he was fluent in were English (obviously) and… Continue reading Boss Hogg: Linguist

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Central Oregon’s biggest baby?

According to this article in the Bulletin, a woman in Prineville gave birth to a 14 pound, 1 ounce baby. Holy c-section, Batman! Still, as big as that is, it doesn’t quite beat the 16.7 pound baby born last month. And then for some bogglers check out these Guinness World Record entries for heaviest births.

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Cartoon skeletons

This is cool yet random and kind of freaky at the same time: Skeletal Systems of Cartoon Characters. Animation was the format of choice for children’s television in the 1960s, a decade in which children’s programming became almost entirely animated. Growing up in that period, I tended to take for granted the distortions and strange… Continue reading Cartoon skeletons

The Jones Soda Holiday Pack

When I was reviewing the server logs, I kept wondering why there were occasional searches for “green bean casserole soda” leading here, which seemed totally random. I figured it out today; it’s part of the new Jones Soda Holiday Pack, which is related to the Turkey Soda post I made last year around this time.… Continue reading The Jones Soda Holiday Pack

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Some people just have too much anger: A woman has been arrested for digging up her dead boyfriend’s ashes from a cemetery more than 10 years ago and drinking the beer that was buried with him, possibly out of spite for his family, authorities say….   Detective Jay Yerges said Stolzmann and Hendrickson were living… Continue reading Spite

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Not so PC

Just a braindump of some ideas I have that wouldn’t really be considered very politically correct… Like a series of books like the “For Dummies” books, only these would be “For Tards.” They would be much more simplistic; with titles like “Keyboards for Tards” and “Books for Tards” I think they could really be successful…… Continue reading Not so PC

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Private Solar System?

I saw this headline from Reuters in Bloglines today: “FedEx to Build 2nd-Largest U.S. Private Solar System” and of course I immediately wondered if they were building a model of the Solar System and why that would matter to FedEx (and why would it be private?), before realizing what was meant was Solar Powerered System.… Continue reading Private Solar System?

Flesh Jacket

Okay, this article on a living tissue jacket is just disturbing and yet darkly funny. Basically, some guys are literally growing a jacket from living tissue… Grown using a combination of mouse and human cells, the jacket is currently quite tiny (about 2 inches high and 1.4 inches wide) and would just fit a mouse….… Continue reading Flesh Jacket


How’s this for disturbing? I was just at the Evergreen Village (Bellevue) Safeway this morning, doing my little shopping thing. I was late — I usually do it on the weekend. While wandering around getting my goods, I noticed that the shelves in the produce aisle were looking a bit empty. I didn’t think much… Continue reading Ewwww

Life lessons…

I don’t remember where I originally read this, but it was awhile ago, from a list of “life lessons” that someone had compiled. The only one that stuck out in my head is insanely funny to me: Never lick a steak knife.

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