
Part of owning a house means yardwork and landscaping, which I’m sure everybody by now knows I just love (*cough*). This weekend it was planting tulip bulbs in the ground, which should look pretty good come spring. Unless, of course, they don’t survive. Since we bought a new house, on recently developed land, a good… Continue reading Bulbs


Ever think about sod before? Yeah, me neither, until recently. Always seemed like such a boring topic—yah, grass, lawns, yawn. But I’ve been thinking a lot about sod lately, since we moved into our new house and had landscaping done. It turns out sod is quite a bit more interesting than I initially thought. Watching… Continue reading Sod

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Lawn Triage

I’ve decided one of the big drawbacks to owning your own home is the lawn. The problem is, it’s such a nice benefit, too. Our lawn is in a sickly state. Part of the problem is that we live in Central Oregon, which is in large part the High Desert— during the summer there are… Continue reading Lawn Triage

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