MT Comment

What with the current brouhaha over Movable Type‘s licensing and payment scheme for the version 3 software (what, you want a link? Feh, go Google it), all I can really say is, damn it’s sure handy to have written my own system. 🙂 I notice that a lot of people are seriously considering migrating to… Continue reading MT Comment

Movable Type Rant

Great rant on Kuro5hin titled “Why your Movable Type blog must die“. Made me laugh. Worthy of Dennis Miller during his ranting heyday. You are all pretentious twats Every last one of you. You’re all latte-sipping, iMac-using, suburban-living tertiary-industry-working WASPs who offer absolutely no new insights on anything whatsoever apart from maybe one specialist field… Continue reading Movable Type Rant