1. Arm! Twisted! Lurkering status! Fading!

    Heh. The state of my relationship with the interweb being what it is, I’m not sure if my advice will be too useful. I rarely see your website anymore (or anyone’s website, for that matter), as I monitor everything through my newsreader, NetNewsWire. Even Penny Arcade, the best web comic of all time, only garners my attention when it pings my newsreader with updates.

    This insulation from the designs of websites is rather ironic in my case, considering that I call myself a web designer.

    But! Thoughts! Yes, I have them. Let’s see what I can rattle off…

    Ditch the calendar. They’re funky cool and way impressive and difficult to code, but frankly I find them useless for navigating posts and updates.

    Make this comment box bigger.

    Uhh. Start a remaindered links sidebar or something, and let me subscribe to it via RSS. You know, like Sundries, where you feature a couple cool and handy links you’ve found throughout your day of web wanderings.

    Put some animated flames or something in your RSS feed. That would be so freakin’ cool.

  2. Ditch the calendar. It’s useless for finding old posts, if you don’t know what you are looking for. In other words it’s only useful for you.

    Add a direct link to my site.

    There you go!

  3. Dane, I seem to remember you ranting against RSS as a conspiracy for people to steal your content or somesuch… 🙂

    Chris, so noted! I’ll get right on that link 🙂

  4. hey bad biker JTA, how’s it going. been following your posts. below are some thoughts I have, mind you i code more software these days than web sites.

    green seems to be the prevailing color, might want to change it up a little.

    i like the idea of random pictures placed at the top, shakes it up a little.

    i would add some sort of link bar to the left. maybe to news links or even oddities such as odd news or something.

  5. Like Dane, I only come here to comment and don’t really pay attention to the look. I mostly read via RSS any more.

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