Lost’s season finale book

Haven’t seen a book on Lost in awhile, but they managed to slip one into the season finale tonight: Our Mutual Friend by Charles Dickens. Not that it was hard to spot; Desmond only waved it around enough in a bunch of critical scenes.

As far as the season finale itself goes… I’m still trying to decide what I think about it. I think it started out strong enough. But I’m trying to decide if the last 15 or 20 minutes were weak. Definitely ambiguous, and a general “huh?” factor. And, I’m thinking, weak. I’ll have to let it sink in some more.


  1. So do you think there’s any hidden meaning to the use of Our Mutual Friend in last night’s episode. In that book (IIRC) the main plot is about attempted murder and someone who returns home under an assumed identity. Don’t know how that would really fit in here…

  2. I think Lost would be better if they hid the listing for the show in the TV Guide each week. That way, the show would be "Lost" and you would have to find it in the listings to watch it.

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