So can you hear the ringtone?

So can you hear this ringtone? It’s supposed to be too high-pitched in frequency for the ears of people over 30 to hear… but I can hear it. It’s via Shannon, who seems to be alternating between thinking she’s too old to hear it, or she’s just been exposed to too much loud music over the years.

…she also wants me to use this quote for her quote of the week: “next thing ya know, i’ll be wearing depends and drooling.” I don’t know, that seems too easy to me. We’ll see.


  1. Weird. I can hear it (43), my boss can hear it (50) but my husband can’t (41) -but a former helicopter mechanic)

    Although I even wear ear plugs in the movie theater, so I’m a bit of a freak aobut my hearing.

  2. OMGoodness – nails on a chalkboard!!!

    But I am a weird one too – it’s the mom hearing I think.

    Sometimes the TV will get left on – no sound, Dish is off etc but I can here the frequency it lets out and it DRIVES ME NUTS – It will wake me up.

  3. BTW: Just 32 – I’ll play it for AJ – 36 to see if he can hear it and let cha know

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