Not much

No, I haven’t posted much on any of my sites this week. My aunt died on Monday, and I just haven’t felt like writing much. There’s really not any more to say; the funeral is on Saturday. In the meantime, I hope everyone’s having a good week, what with the first day of summer and the hot weather and all.


  1. I’ve been thinking of you and your family, and am hoping that you are all doing alright…..

    I’m going to bring a special Brew for you tomorrow night for the brew site reviews. I’ll expect a full synopsis, as not many other people in the world will get to try it.

  2. Hi Jon, sorry to hear about your aunt.

    Sorry too that I missed the party. We were in Camp Sherman last weekend; I sent an email of apology to the evite and just noticed today that it bounced back & was trapped in my spam box.

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