Don’t you hate that under the weather feeling?

So I’m fighting off the advances of a summertime cold, picked up from my son. It’s that tickly sore throat, run-down feeling and if it doesn’t get nipped in the bud right away, then it’ll turn full-fledged, and we don’t want that. Hence, I’ve been dosing up on echinacea, Airborne, vitamin C, and Ricola. And tea. So far, I seem to have halted the advance, but I won’t know if the tide has turned until the morning after a (hopefully) good night’s sleep.

Last night’s sleep was not good. At 4:20 in the AM we (as in, the entire household, kids, animals and all) were awakened to the sound of digital beeping. Loud digital beeping. After scouring the house and finding nothing out of the ordinary, my unconfirmed suspicion is that it was the new humidifier we had set up in my son’s room. After that, it was sporadic sleep interrupted by the cat pouncing on my feet every 53 seconds.

On a totally unrelated note, why on Earth are so many MySpace pages so bloody ugly? No, I know the technical reason they are—because somebody actually thought it would be a good idea to give users that much control over their page—but holy Corona, don’t any of these people have any sense of aesthetics at all? I don’t get it.

Categorized as Health


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