Commodore 64 emulator… in Flash

Okay, geek levels are off the charts on this one: FC64, a Commodore C64 emulator for Flash. And it’s open source. This is just mind boggling…

…because, among other things, what this means is that I could embed a Commodore 64 emulator, games and all, right here on my blog. Because it’s in Flash. And Flash in installed on nearly every browser these days.

So not only could you play C-64 games here… if you know BASIC, you could write and run your own programs for it. So then I wonder if those are saveable? I bet that would be easy to hack… Talk about a community project: everybody writing programs for everybody else to run without having to install software or trade files at all. Hmmmmmmmmmm…


  1. OMG! So, the 50+ Commodore’s you have in the closet taking up SPACE isn’t enough for you? You’d have to use it in your blog…if you do, can we make some space for some real junk? πŸ™‚

    What is with your geekiness lately? We have a crappy beginning of the month and the way you get out of it is by being geeky? Hmmmm

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