Free? Palm Reader software

Is it just me, or did Palm Digital Media make it a whole lot harder to get the free version of their Palm Reader software? From their front page, there’s no mention of the free version anywhere, and I finally found it when clicking through the ad for the Pro version. …Oh. I just found… Continue reading Free? Palm Reader software

Lovecraft Ebooks

Coming up in the next day or two, some H.P. Lovecraft Palm Reader ebooks, four of his short stories. The cool part of it is they were created by someone else who wanted to donate them for hosting, Leandro Liñares. Once I’ve verified that the stories in question are in the public domain, I’ll have… Continue reading Lovecraft Ebooks

Site Updates

I’ve been busy on this site the last few days with updates and revisions. To wit: Got the search feature working (finally). This is using MySQL’s built-in FULLTEXT indexing capabilities; it’s pretty slick, the first time I’ve played with it. It does natural language searches using frequency of keywords to produce relevancy scores… if you… Continue reading Site Updates

Moving right along…

A few random things. php|architect is offering a free issue of their new magazine. Anyone who’s into PHP should check this out. I found a neat site today called StoryMania. From their own description, they’re an “online community and marketplace for publishing, discovering, reviewing, buying and selling creative works — interact directly with authors and… Continue reading Moving right along…

Palm Reader eBooks

I’ve been merrily playing with the Sony CLIÉ that I got for my birthday, installing apps and loading it up with data, and one of my bright ideas is to start playing around with eBooks. See, the CLIÉ runs the PalmOS, for which there is a really nifty free eBook Palm Reader available from Palm… Continue reading Palm Reader eBooks