On Blogs

This is a bit about the blog software I wrote for this site. If you’re into the technical aspects of blogs, or PHP and MySQL, you’ll be interested in this. If not, you can safely skip it and not really miss out on anything. I’ve taken to calling my home-grown blog software blognutt (“blog +… Continue reading On Blogs

Some Items.

Item 1. My in-laws are in town, from today until Sunday. This always causes some tension around here, as my wife doesn’t get along very well with her parents, but the kids just love them, so all’s well. Plus, they’ll watch the kids one night so we can finally go see The Matrix Reloaded. Item… Continue reading Some Items.

Site Updates

I’ve been busy on this site the last few days with updates and revisions. To wit: Got the search feature working (finally). This is using MySQL’s built-in FULLTEXT indexing capabilities; it’s pretty slick, the first time I’ve played with it. It does natural language searches using frequency of keywords to produce relevancy scores… if you… Continue reading Site Updates